Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

What causes toddlers to be overwweight?

I ask this because I honestly don't know & don't want to judge unless I know all the facts. There is a little girl who goes to DD's prek and she is overweight. I'm not sure her exact age but the program is 3 & 4 yr olds. The other day her & her dad where at the park. While they where there her mom dropped off some McDonalds. I obviously don't know her daily diet habits but I just thought it wasn't a good idea if she has a weight problem at 3-4. 

So my question is, could it be a medical problem that would cause her to weigh more than the average kid? Maybe medicine she is on? Or maybe I'm just ignorant to something else.  

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Re: What causes toddlers to be overwweight?

  • It is probably what she is eating. So young...
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  • How big is "overweight"?  Do you know she's overweight or is she just bigger than your DD? 

    I wouldn't judge a random McD's sighting.  Neither of my girls are "overweight" and they have McD's at least once a month. 



    Unable to even.  


    You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK.  Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.

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  • kg_08kg_08 member

    There can be a lot of contributing factors, including genetic makeup. Some kids are "bigger boned" or have a slower metabolism.. I'm sure McDonalds does not help, but I wouldn't side eye someone for it because as you said.. you don't know if it's just a special treat.

    DD inherited a small frame and high metabolism from DH and I. She eats like an absolute pig, large portions for her size, and although we try to keep it healthy we also do fast food once a week. She's 19 months and a whopping 19 lbs.

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  • She is definitely overweight & not just "bigger" than DD. I, myself am a larger women even at my ideal weight & can see the difference in being bigger & being overweight. 

    I'm not judging a random McD's sighting either. It's why I posted. DD eats McD's once in awhile as well. I'm not saying that is a horrible thing. I'm saying if your small child of 3-4 is overweight could there be a medical reason to explain it other than diet? 

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  • imageCinemaGoddess:

    How big is "overweight"?  Do you know she's overweight or is she just bigger than your DD? 


    Sometimes, Jack is quite the fatty. He plumps way up, and then shoots up in height. His growth spurts are almost always in two stages, and he is just a big boy anyway (at 2 years, he weighs over 40 lbs and comes up to almost my hip). He eats a well-balanced diet, but occasionally we need something fast, so he'll get a fast food grilled cheese or the like. Unless this child is obese, I'd assume the McD's doesn't have that much to do with it.

    Jack Anderson 2.28.10 Our amazing little man. image
  • Yeah, it has tons to do with their metabolism too.  My kid comes home with her daycare slip of what she did & every single day it says she ate 2 helpings of lunch.  They tell me that it's a tie between her & a boy from her class on who eats the most.  He's a cute kid, a little chubby in that cute toddler way.  My kid is 20 pounds, and 12 month pants fall off her.  She will also eat the shiit out of a D!ck's cheeseburger (local fave). 

    Edited: I guess you can't say D!ck's here?  lol

  • imagemegzway:

    She is definitely overweight & not just "bigger" than DD. I, myself am a larger women even at my ideal weight & can see the difference in being bigger & being overweight. 

    I'm not judging a random McD's sighting either. It's why I posted. DD eats McD's once in awhile as well. I'm not saying that is a horrible thing. I'm saying if your small child of 3-4 is overweight could there be a medical reason to explain it other than diet? 

    But can you see this in a toddler, though?  I can't look at a child and judge how much that child weighs, be it a small child or a larger child. 




    Unable to even.  


    You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK.  Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.

  • imagesofamonkey:

    Yeah, it has tons to do with their metabolism too.  My kid comes home with her daycare slip of what she did & every single day it says she ate 2 helpings of lunch.  They tell me that it's a tie between her & a boy from her class on who eats the most.  He's a cute kid, a little chubby in that cute toddler way.  My kid is 20 pounds, and 12 month pants fall off her.  She will also eat the shiit out of a ***'s cheeseburger. 

    I know exactly what the restaurant is that was censored!

    ***'s Deluxe, yo!



    Unable to even.  


    You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK.  Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.

  • imageCinemaGoddess:

    Yeah, it has tons to do with their metabolism too.  My kid comes home with her daycare slip of what she did & every single day it says she ate 2 helpings of lunch.  They tell me that it's a tie between her & a boy from her class on who eats the most.  He's a cute kid, a little chubby in that cute toddler way.  My kid is 20 pounds, and 12 month pants fall off her.  She will also eat the shiit out of a ***'s cheeseburger. 

    I know exactly what the restaurant is that was censored!

    ***'s Deluxe, yo!

    lawl  it did not occur to me that would be censored.  mmmm burgers.
  • I see what you are saying CG. She is definitly not just bigger. My friends son is 4 & weighs close to 50lbs and is very tall. He's a "big" kid. Not overweight just big. When he was 7 months old he had the body of an almost 2 yr old. Again not overweight just big. Big everything. I can see the difference in just being a bigger kid to being overweight. 

    DD has always been smaller. Weighing in in the 25th % most of her life. At 6 months she was only 15 lbs. At 12 months only 19lbs. She has never been a big eater either. However, the girl I'm talking about is obviously overweight. Large belly, legs, backside, etc. I don't know how else to describe it. I'm really trying to not come off as insensitive either. I'm genuinely curious.  

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  • I find this judgement annoying. Someone at playgroup is CONSTANTLY commenting on how DD is so "solid" and "big all over". She's below the 50th percentile weight for her height, I want to tell the woman to STFU.

    And of course there are medical reasons a kid can be overweight, I think that's a silly question.

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  • MrsSRMrsSR member

    Besides a diet high in calories, genetics and thyroid problems can cause one to be overweight.

    I don't see why it's a concern to you.  My brother was fat for the longest time, and none of us were (my mom has five kids).  Then all of a sudden puberty hit, he grew about 2 feet overnight, and has been thin ever since.

  • imagemegzway:

    I see what you are saying CG. She is definitly not just bigger. My friends son is 4 & weighs close to 50lbs and is very tall. He's a "big" kid. Not overweight just big. When he was 7 months old he had the body of an almost 2 yr old. Again not overweight just big. Big everything. I can see the difference in just being a bigger kid to being overweight. 

    DD has always been smaller. Weighing in in the 25th % most of her life. At 6 months she was only 15 lbs. At 12 months only 19lbs. She has never been a big eater either. However, the girl I'm talking about is obviously overweight. Large belly, legs, backside, etc. I don't know how else to describe it. I'm really trying to not come off as insensitive either. I'm genuinely curious.  

    You are coming off as insensitive.  How about you just stop judging other people's kids?

    Would you like it if I said "Damn, your daughter was bigger at 12 months old then my son and he was 10 lbs at birth?"  No, I don't think you would.

    I get the other end of the spectrum, Oh your kid is so skinny.  Wasn't he a big baby at birth?  Yeah, I can't help it he's only 26.5 lbs and 37.5" tall.  My MIL constantly asks about his weight anytime she talks to me and she has told me several times that he is underfed, he's not, he eats 2nds sometimes 3rds of his meals.  It's to the point I don't even talk to her anymore because I can't stand it.  I'm sure that the family's doctor has mentioned something to the parents if there was a problem, let the doctor/family worry about it and you can stop worrying about it.

    Sorry no paragraphs, bumping from my phone.
    I once had a picture until the trolls showed up.
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    First u/s on 7/13/09 @6w0d heard and saw heartbeat 102 bpm.
    K M #1 arrived via c/s 3/1/10 10 lbs, 22 inches long at 39 weeks.

    Surprise expecting #2. Med-free BFP on 8/1/11! Beta@15DPO 58.2 Beta@17DPO 198.3 Beta@23DPO 2338. EDD 4/9/12
    K M #2 arrived via c/s 3/19/12 9 lbs 2 oz, 21 inches long at 37 weeks.
    "If we weren't all crazy we would go insane."
  • imagekg_08:

    There can be a lot of contributing factors, including genetic makeup. Some kids are "bigger boned" or have a slower metabolism.. I'm sure McDonalds does not help, but I wouldn't side eye someone for it because as you said.. you don't know if it's just a special treat.

    DD inherited a small frame and high metabolism from DH and I. She eats like an absolute pig, large portions for her size, and although we try to keep it healthy we also do fast food once a week. She's 19 months and a whopping 19 lbs.

    DD is the same size.  She was at the dr's today and at 19 months is 31in and weighs 19lbs4oz.  She eats good for the most part, but has always been smaller.  She's on the go from the time she is awake until she sleeps, so that doesn't help her gain. I would be lying if I said it doesn't bother me when people make comments on her size (I take it as they assume she is not getting enough of the nutrients she needs). 

    OP, I know you said you weren't trying to be judge, but really you are for creating this post.  Just like with underweight kids, genetics could be the reason some kids are overweight.

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  • Does it matter? Yes it could be medical. Should I put my ds' pic back up, then invite comments on his weight? If the girl's family didn't ask for advice, don't offer. Even if there is no medical problem, I don't see why it matters so much to you.

    And we've got two ends of the spectrum here, ds who we beg to eat, has a 800 cal or less diet a day (self imposed because people are douchey and he wants to fit in), with all sorts of medical and health issues, who's battled his weight because of his meds and medical issues. And a group of girls who are on the very low end of normal on the BMI scale that resemble a pack of pirahanas inhaling every scrap of food in site. Please leave that family alone.

  • How is it any business of yours why a stranger's kid is overweight? 
    DS1 - Feb 2008

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  • oh give me an effing break.  You guys can't say you haven't ever seen a heavy child and judged the sh!t out of the parents. 

    There is a huge difference between a big boned person and an overweight child, just like adults.   

    This is coming from a person who has an "obese" BMI.

    People judge for many different reasons.  End of story. And if you say you don't ever judge random strangers and their kids, you are a liar.


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  • imagelachute:

    oh give me an effing break.  You guys can't say you haven't ever seen a heavy child and judged the sh!t out of the parents. 

    There is a huge difference between a big boned person and an overweight child, just like adults.   

    This is coming from a person who has an "obese" BMI.

    People judge for many different reasons.  End of story. And if you say you don't ever judge random strangers and their kids, you are a liar.

    But what's the point of bringing it to a message board and mask asking for medical reasons to just sit there and judge.  

    Whats the point of bringing half of the questions posted here to a message board and mask it as a question that has never been thought of before and the info can't possibly be found out anywhere else?  

    Answer- boredom


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  • It isn't any of my business. It's out of curiosity. I could of googled it, sure. The reason I asked on here was to see if someone knew first hand since we all have children and might know the reason from personal experience.

    You can say I was masking my judgement if you want but thats not my intent. If I wanted to just judge I would have done that. I didn't though. I asked a question because I don't want to judge. Obviously I see a child who is overweight being fed McDonalds and my mind goes right to, should she really be eating that? Than I start to think about it. Could there be another reason she is overweight. I would be interested to know why. I know that adults can be overweight due to other reasons than just being fat & lazy. Children are different than adults so I thought, hey maybe there is another reason than just poor diet. 

    I know it's hard to believe but people do like to be informed even if it has nothing to do w/ them. It's called not being ignorant. It helps people to be understanding and tolerant of things that they don't normally deal with. If I really wanted to be insensitive I would said to the dad, hey why is your kid eating that when she is obviously overweight. I didn't though. I came to a place where people have children who might have an understanding of it.

    There was a little boy who's youtube video went viral and he was a chubby kid. he got made fun of & people found out he had a medical condition. I thought, hey maybe thats the case here.

    My BMI is obese myself. I've struggled with my weight all my life. I was made fun of all through out my childhood for my weight. I would NEVER in a million years want that for any other child. Being overweight is part of what peeked my interest. I wasn't that kid but I was always the big kid. What my point is I'm sympathetic to it. Because I deal with weight issues I would like to have a better understanding of a childs obesity than just judge. Judging is easy. I wasn't looking for easy.

    I'll also add that my current studies are in the health feild so it is an interest to me.

    I don't expect anyone to know this about me of course. Just thought I would clarify.  

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  • All of the comments above aside, we went to dinner at a mexican restaurant last night. There was a baby, probably the age of our son, maybe younger. He was very very very chunky. It was obvious to me WHY. His mom gave him tortilla chips and red crush soda for the whole meal. You are what you eat, as the commercial says. Some kids are dis positioned to it, however, some kids could be just as lean as my kid if they didn't drink soda and eat chips for a meal. I understand your post.

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  • Some kids are just pudgy, my older brother was short and fat when he was younger, you wouldn't have believed it if you saw him at the end of his life though, he was either 6'4'' or 6'5'' and a toothpick, he turned 14 and just shot up.
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  • It's no secret that we have a childhood obesity problem in this country which is linked to food and inactivity
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  • Could be a variety of factors....

    My DH's cousin had an 18 month old that weighed over 40lbs (he's 4 now) his case it was because she gave him six-eight 8 oz bottles of milk a day in addition to three meals and a few snacks.  The kid literally walked around sucking on bottle of whole milk every waking second of the day.  Every time the bottle was empty, she would refill it. He was drinking 60+ oz of whole milk a was soooo gross!

  • imageFhSTAR81:
    My niece is 7 and overweight. She was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at age 3 when she went into DKA. Her condition is so unstable and the amount of insulin she is on is very out of the normal range. However her A1C is where they want it to be so they don't want her losing weight till she can handle less insulin. Her body just can't handle it and is hospitalized multiple times a year. Her condition most def plays in why she is overweight.

    Wow that is scary. I hope they can keep it under control.  

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  • imagemegzway:

    It isn't any of my business. It's out of curiosity. I could of googled it, sure. The reason I asked on here was to see if someone knew first hand since we all have children and might know the reason from personal experience.

    You can say I was masking my judgement if you want but thats not my intent. If I wanted to just judge I would have done that. I didn't though. I asked a question because I don't want to judge. Obviously I see a child who is overweight being fed McDonalds and my mind goes right to, should she really be eating that? Than I start to think about it. Could there be another reason she is overweight. I would be interested to know why. I know that adults can be overweight due to other reasons than just being fat & lazy. Children are different than adults so I thought, hey maybe there is another reason than just poor diet. 

    I know it's hard to believe but people do like to be informed even if it has nothing to do w/ them. It's called not being ignorant. It helps people to be understanding and tolerant of things that they don't normally deal with. If I really wanted to be insensitive I would said to the dad, hey why is your kid eating that when she is obviously overweight. I didn't though. I came to a place where people have children who might have an understanding of it.

    There was a little boy who's youtube video went viral and he was a chubby kid. he got made fun of & people found out he had a medical condition. I thought, hey maybe thats the case here.

    My BMI is obese myself. I've struggled with my weight all my life. I was made fun of all through out my childhood for my weight. I would NEVER in a million years want that for any other child. Being overweight is part of what peeked my interest. I wasn't that kid but I was always the big kid. What my point is I'm sympathetic to it. Because I deal with weight issues I would like to have a better understanding of a childs obesity than just judge. Judging is easy. I wasn't looking for easy.

    I'll also add that my current studies are in the health feild so it is an interest to me.

    I don't expect anyone to know this about me of course. Just thought I would clarify.  

    That very well could be the case. Sam has a kidney condition similar to my ds, and ds looked a lot like him. Yes, people will judge, because they don't know - it's a natural reaction. What makes it awful is that they make assumptions and verbalize it, to kids like Sam and ds. Nothing these kids ate made them like that. Sam's puffy cheeks are caused by steroids - prednisone in fact. It's effect mimics Cushing's Syndrome, and makes them look obese. They are, in fact, retaining an awful lot of fluid, and it's extremely uncomfortable at times.

    Unfortunately, it's not easy to pick out the kids with medical conditions from those who are otherwise not afflicted.

  • To answer your question about medical problems, yes there are plenty of them that would cause obeisity.  Hypothyroidism and hyperinsulinemia are two examples.  The child may also be on medications that have weight gain as a side effect.
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  • It definitely could be out of their control (medical problems). But don't discount environment factors ... and what i mean is what they are feeding their kids. I often see obese toddlers with obese parents.. and I am pretty sure it's just what they are feeding their child and the habits they are teaching. 


  • My son is pretty chubby. I wonder if people judge me. He has never had Mcdonalds. I'm no food nazi but I don't feed him soda. I'd have to see this kid to see what you are talking about. I think chunkiness in a toddler is fine. I was pretty chunky as a toddler and baby and wound up being underweight throughout highschool w/ no effort.  I got chubby again from pregnancy.
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